Downton Abbey Season 4 Episode 2

Box arrives to Downton Abbey

Remember Horsey?

A mysterious box arrives for Lady Mary from Mr. Crawley’s office. Downstairs, it is decided that the box should be opened by someone other than Lady Mary, so she won’t cry. Lord Grantham opens the box and finds the stuffed ‘horsey’ Matthew took to war to keep himself safe, a present from Mary.  Robert also finds a will, naming Mary as sole heir. Robert takes the letter to Violet who says Robert MUST show Lady Mary the will, whether or not it’s legal. Violet calls Robert on his desire to be in entirely in charge of the estate. Mary reads the letter. And Robert reads the letter to the entire family before dinner. At dinner, Robert makes things difficult for Mary, but she has the support of the rest of the family. Robert takes the will to the lawyers and it’s basically valid, so Mary owns half the estate.

Lady Mary reads the will

Lady Edith is in London with Michael. They get cozy over coffee, discussing Michael’s impending fate German-ness. Lady Edith invites Michael to Downton because she wants her family to get to know him better. Edith suggests an upcoming party where Michael will blend in and go unnoticed.

Michael mulls becoming German

Anna spots Molesley in the village working on the road doing unskilled labour. Molesley is most unhappy, and stressed out because he owes money. Anna offers Molesley a loan, but he is too proud to accept. Anna talks to Bates later on because she is very upset by the situation. Bates visits Countess Violet to talk about Molesley and they come up with a plan to give Molesley some money. Bates makes Molesley an offer he can’t refuse and Anna is happy yet again.

Molesley falls on hard times

Lady Rose wants Anna to accompany her to a dance party in York. Lady Mary grants Anna permission but asks her to keep Lady Rose out of trouble, a tall order. A young man named Sam takes a shine to Rose, who tells him she’s a housemaid. Naturally a fight starts at the party because two men want to dance with Lady Rose. Afterward, Sam from the dance shows up at Downton, looking for Rose the housemaid. Anna dresses Rose as a maid and she meets Sam outside the back door. Rose lets Sam down gently but gives him a kiss on his way off.

Way to let him down gently Lady Rose...

Jimmy talks about the upcoming Dare Sisters show in York. He’s gets tickets and invites Ivy to the show. Of course, she is thrilled. Alfred remains unimpressed with Jimmy’s overtures towards Ivy.

Carson sorts though some old papers and finds a picture of an old girlfriend name Ann. He reveals to Mrs. Hughes that Ann treated him badly. Charlie is making a splendid recovery under the care of Isobel. And she’s secured him a job at the Belfast Opera House. Isobel goes to see Carson about Charlie, asking if he won’t reconsider a truce between the two men. The woman from the picture, Ann, is what caused the rift between them. Carson won’t bend, but Mrs Hughes finally breaks Carson down. When Charlie leaves town on the train, Carson comes to see him off. Charley tells Carson that Anne considered Carson the better man and always regretted her choice of Charlie instead. This news seems to put things to rest for Carson.

Two the Charlies become cheerful again

Thomas and Edna become fast friends and new evil is afoot downstairs at Downton. Anna tells Edna to keep Thomas at arm’s length, now that she’s a Lady’s Maid. Edna ruins a favourite piece of Cora’s clothing, but Thomas tells Lady Cora that Anna did it. Robert confronts Bates and tells him that Anna needs to go easier on Edna. Anna is confused, but can see Edna and Thomas have joined forces. It was only a matter of time before Thomas found an evil new sidekick.

Violet has a meeting with Branson and Lady Mary. Violet suggests Branson teach Mary the ways of the estate without Robert knowing. Branson takes her out on the estate and she seems to take to it naturally. Robert realizes that Mary will  play a role in the management of the estate, whether he likes it or not.

Mary and Branson eye up the estate of Downton


Quotes from Downton Abbey Season 4 Episode 2

Edna Braithwaite: I don’t need to have everyone love me.

Violet is having none of it!

Violet: Are you trying to hide from the truth?
Robert: What truth?
Violet: That you would rather be in sole charge of the estate and not share the crown with Mary.

Bates: Why should I be social when I have you?

Isobel: But judging by tonight’s dinner, it may prove a heavy mantle for Lady Mary.

Lady Mary: He thinks he can manage alone now. But the question is can he?

Carson: We shout and scream and wail and cry but in the end we must all die.
Mrs. Hughes: Well that’s cheered me up.

Bates: It concerns Mr Molesley the younger.
Violet: You make him sound like a Greek philosopher.

Violet: There can be too much truth in any relationship

Isobel: Seems a pity not to take the chance to end a quarrel

Lady Edith: Compared to Papa, you’re a famous chef. Really, he can’t boil a kettle. If the servants left, he’d be found in a passage dead with his arms stretched out looking for the kitchen.

Michael: Life with me won’t be quite what you’re used to.

Lady Rose, Lady Mary, Lady Edith

Ladies of Downton before Dinner

Lady Edith: If you are nearly German and nearly divorced, perhaps the family should know you a bit.

Bates: You have put up with so much that I couldn’t change. So if there is ever the slightest thing I can make better for you, then I will

Carson: It’s turning into Liberty Hall around here!

Mrs. Patmore: Nothing’s as changeable as a young man’s heart. Take hope and warning from that.

Robert: Now we should go into dinner before Mrs. Patmore blows a gasket.