Downton Abbey Season 1 Episode 2
Set in September 1912…

Lady Mary is not impressed with Matthew!
The new heir to Downton, Matthew Crawley, and his mother Isobel Crawley arrive at Crawley House in the village. Modern Matthew bristles at the idea of having a butler, but Isobel goes out of her way to maintain suitable decorum. Lady Mary drops down to invite the Crawleys over for dinner, but overhears Matthew complaining that the Granthams are scheming to marry him to one of their daughters. An unimpressed Mary departs shortly after arriving, declaring she also agrees that the whole thing is a joke. Matthew seems to fancy her just a bit anyways.
Downstairs at Downton, the house staff eagerly anticipate the dinner arrival of the new heir, discussing their own doubts about his suitability as heir. The house is aflutter with talk about Matthew Crawley. Lady Cora later overhears O’Brien badmouthing Matthew and she gives O’Brien a proper dressing down. O’Brien harbours a grudge, as she is wont to do most of the time.

THE HORROR... you want me to marry Matthew?
Lady Cora tries to soothe Mary’s own doubts about the future, promising that Cora and Granny (Countess Violet) are looking for a lawyer to negate the entail. However, Lady Cora floats the idea of a marriage to Matthew past Mary, in order to keep the estate in the family. Mary is horrified. Especially when she discovers it was Grannie’s idea in the first place. The Crawleys arrive to Downton Abbey for dinner and it doesn’t take long for sparks to fly between Isobel and Countess Violet. To make matters worse, Mary compares Matthew to a sea monster by way of Greek Legend. Even Carson is doubtful a match can be made.
Carson receives a mysterious note, makes a mysterious trip into town and mysteriously steals food. How mysterious. All is revealed when a pushy little man named Charlie Grigg barges into Downton’s drawing room and reveal’s Carson previous incarnation as a music hall performer in a duo called the Cheerful Charlies! The shame. Griggs intended to blackmail Carson but Lord Grantham finds it all rather comical and pays the decidedly more cheerful Charlie off to disappear for good.

Not all the Charlies are cheerful
Isobel makes a visit to the hospital as she thinks there might be work for herself, a busybody heiress. She trained as a nurse during the Anglo-Boer War and feels she could be of some assistance. Isobel comes upon a fatal case of dropsy and suggests a treatment. The doctor is hesitant to try something new, but ultimately they save the patient’s life using a modern treatment. Countess Violet barges into the hospital but she cannot stop them. Later Lord Grantham decides to make Isobel Chairman of the Board, since she is so determined to be involved with the hospital. Countess Violet is most unimpressed with this development.

Countess Violet usurped by busybody Isobel
Butler Mosley complains that Matthew leaves him with nothing to do and he doesn’t like it. Matthew later offends Molesley by saying his occupation seems silly for a grown man. After a discussion with Lord Grantham, Matthew recognizes everyone has their place on the estate and he lets Mosley pick out his cufflinks. Status quo is restored.
Downton Abbey Quotes from Episode 2, Season 1:
Matthew: “Lord Grantham has made the unwelcome discovery that his heir is a middle class lawyer and the son of a middle class doctor”
Isobel: “What they expect Matthew is that we won’t know how to behave so if you don’t mind, I would rather not confirm their expectations”
O’Brien: “She hasn’t even got a lady’s maid…”
Anna: “It’s not a capital offence”
Countess Violet: “Oh good, let’s talk about money”
Isobel: “What should we call each other?”
Countess Violet: “We could always start with Mrs Crawley and Lady Grantham.”

The ladies meet and the claws are out...
Lord Grantham: “You do know I mean to involve you in the running of the estate?”
Matthew Crawley: “Don’t worry, there are plenty of hours in the day and of course I’ll have the weekend”
Countess Violet: “What is a weekend?”
Carson: “To progress in your chosen career William, you must remember that a good servant at all times retains a sense of pride and dignity that reflects the pride and dignity of the family he serves. And never make me remind you of it again”
Mr. Bates: “Even Mr Carson wasn’t born standing to attention”
Thomas: “I hope not for his mother’s sake”
Isobel: “If I’m to live in the village, I must have an occupation. Please let me be useful”
Lord Grantham: “I thought you didn’t like him”
Countess Violet: “So what, I have plenty of friends I don’t like”
Lord Grantham: “Would you want Mary to marry one of them?”
Countess Violet: “Why do you always have to pretend to be nicer than the rest of us?”
Countess Violet: “It always seemed rather dark when my mother in law lived here. But then, she made everything rather dark”
Matthew: “I know I”m a disappointment to you Molesley, but it’s no good. I’ll never get used to being dressed like a doll”
Lady Mary: “You’re American, you don’t understand these things”
Lord Grantham: “I suppose the doctor knows his business”
Countess Violet: “Not as well as Mrs Crawley apparently”
Lord Grantham: “My dear fellow, we all have chapters we would like to keep unpublished. To be honest Carson, I’m rather impressed. Did you really sing and dance in front of an audience?”
Lord Grantham: “We all have different parts to play Matthew, and we must all be allowed to play them”