Downton Abbey Season 3 Episode 3

Set in Summer 1920…

Downton Abbey is awash in wedding preparations. Lady Edith can’t believe something going on at Downton Abbey is actually about her.

Edith gets ready for her wedding

A positively gleeful Edith gets ready to wed

Thomas exacts revenge for O’Brien’s previous shirt shenanigans; he starts a rumour that O’Brien is leaving Downton Abbey. It doesn’t take long for the rumour to spread and pretty soon Cora thinks O’Brien is leaving too. Carson confronts O’Brien. Cora confronts O’Brien. Then O’Brien chillingly promises revenge on Thomas. Even Thomas looks nervous at the prospect. Who wouldn’t be?

Thomas tells Mosely a secret

Thomas plants a bug in Molesley's ear

Anna goes to visit Mrs. Bartlett, a good friend of Bates’ deceased ex wife, Vera. She brings money in exchange for information. In Mrs. Bartlett’s opinion, Vera had good reason to be scared. Bartlett thinks Bates should have swung from the gallows if the whole country hadn’t gone soft. Needless to say, the visit doesn’t do much to exonerate Bates. Meanwhile in prison, Bates makes a friend who warns him about an upcoming cell search. Bates finds the contraband item before the guards do.

Bates makes a friend in prison

Bates makes a friend in prison

Lord Grantham prepares to advertise Downton Abbey for sale. The Granthams take a family picnic to have a look at what might be their new home, Downton Place.

Granthams go for a picnic

The picnic cavalcade to Downton Place

Mrs Hughes waits for the results of her biopsy. Carson knows something’s up so he visits the doctor in the village to confirm his suspicions. He then tricks Mrs. Patmore into revealing it’s about cancer. Carson then has a word with Cora asking for a lighter workload for Mrs. Hughes. Cora tells Mrs. Hughes she will always have a place at Downton and they will look after her if she is sick. Mrs. Hughes is very touched by the sentiment. After a visit to the doctor for the test results, Mrs. Hughes learns she doesn’t have cancer. Carson is positively gleeful and starts singing when he learns the news. There could be romance in the air yet…

Mrs Hughes and Mrs Patmore at the doctor's office

Waiting is the worst part...

Ethel reappears with a favour to ask Isobel. Isobel asks Mrs Hughes for Ethel’s last known address.

Daisy and Lady Mary

Daisy saves them all

Matthew receives a letter from a dead man, Reggie Swires. He’s reluctant to read the letter so Mary reads it behind his back. It’s revealed that Lavinia wrote Reggie right before she died and Reggie knows everything that went on. Matthew still doesn’t believe he could be let off so easily, so Mary asks the staff if anyone mailed a letter for Lavinia before she died. Daisy comes forward and saves Downton Abbey from ruin.

Edith’s day arrives and she’s positively glowing. She arrives at the church to a very nervous looking Anthony Strallan. Everything seems to be in order until Strallan bursts out “I can’t do it” at the altar. Edith barely comprehends what’s happening, she is distraught. Violet says, “Let him go”. Off goes Strallan looking quite distraught as well. Edith is jilted at the aisle, by Anthony Strallan no less. Back at Downton, she flings herself on the bed and stays there for awhile. Downstairs, the staff feast on wedding food and commiserate about Edith’s wedding fiasco.

Edith at the altar

Edith before and after Anthony Strallan jilts her at the aisle

Matthew tells Lord Grantham he’s keeping the inheritance. They agree to be co-masters of Downton Abbey. At least one disaster was averted.


Quotes from Downton Abbey Season 3 Episode 3

Violet: “At my age one must ration one’s excitement.”

Edith: “Something happening in this house is actually about me.”

Mary: “So this is the moment when you receive a huge fortune that could save Downton and you give it away.”

Matthew Crawley and Lady Mary

Another conversation about the inheritance

Robert: “We should go, Strallan won’t be late. He never is, worse luck.”

Robert: “She’ll be a nurse Cora, and by the time she’s 50, she’ll be wheeling around a one armed old man.”

Robert: “Tom is our tame revolutionary.”

Mary: “Matthew it’s torture for all of us. And if I ever look as if I’m finding it easy to lose my home, then I am putting on an act.”

Daisy: “You’re in the soup. I wouldn’t be in her bad books for a gold clock.”

Cora: “If you are ill, you are welcome her for as long as you want to stay. Lady Sybil will help us to find a suitable nurse. I don’t want you to have any concerns about where you’ll go or who will look after you because the answer is here, and we will.”
Mrs. Hughes: “I don’t know what to say my lady…”

Violet: “Sybil, Vulgarity is no substitute for wit”

Carson: “Daisy will not sit down because the invitation is not in your gift Alfred. She eats with Mrs. Patmore in the kitchen.”

Mary: “I am grateful to you Daisy, you cannot know how much.”

Anthony Strallan

Strallan makes a run for it

Violet: “Robert, Edith is beginning her life as an old man’s drudge. I should not have thought a large drawing room much compensation.”

Mrs. Hughes: “It would be so nice if people would wait to learn if I really am ill before boxing me up.”

Mary: “Because if you try to find one more excuse not to accept the money I’ll have to beat you around the head.”

Edith: “All of us married. All of us happy. And the first baby on the way. Why don’t we get the photographer to take a picture of the three of us when we get to the church.”

Lady Edith and Lady Mary

A pre-wedding heart to heart

Mary: “Edith, I know we haven’t always got along and I doubt things change much in the future, but today I wish you all the luck in the world.”

Anthony Strallan

A nervous Strallan...

Violet: “He looks as if he’s waiting for a beating from the headmaster.”

Violet: “Let him go. You know he’s right. Don’t stop him doing the only sensible thing he’s come up with in months.”

Daisy: “I never thought I’d feel sorry for an Earl’s daughter.”

Edith: “I’m a useful spinster, good at helping out. That is my role. And spinsters get up for breakfast.”

Edith jilted at the altar

Edith the spinster takes to bed for awhile